Hi Guys,

For reference on this discussion, non of BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE or the
proposed BIND_PER_ELEMENT are supported by modern OpenGL/OpenGL ES,
the old BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE is very much deprecated and only kept
around for backwards compatibility.

Given even BIND_PER_PRIMTIIVE is deprecated there is absolutely no way
I'm about to merge another enum and implementation that is not
supported by OpenGL and forces the OSG to use slow paths and will
forever have been screaming on the list "DO NOT USE THIS FEATURE" as
your performance will be crap....

Perhaps I should just remove BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE and vertex indices and
provide automatic conversion for all crappy osg::Geometry?  This is
certainly something I'm planning to do for OSG-3.2 as the current
situation is if a feature is there it will be used and abused.

For OSG-3.0 the only change we should make for the BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE
implementation is to make sure it's consistent with 2.8.x as it's sole
purpose is for backwards compatibility to allows users to easily
migrate to 3.x.

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