
I have a simple question to LineSegmentIntersector: Which objects can be 
intersect with the test ray?

I ask because I have following problem: I have following osg tree:

- Geode <-Field
 - Node (Model loaded from disc) <- Contains Name "obj1" by Model (so not set 
by my -> don't want to presume that the name is everytime same)
 - Geode (single quad of the ground of terrain) <- Name: "Ground"
   - Geometry (4 vertices)

If I do now a klick I got following names returned: obj1, obj1, obj, ..., 
Ground (Model is a Firetree -> many intersections). But never the name "Field". 
So the problem is: I can't assume that the Model has name "obj1". That is why I 
think I must additional geode around it with an extra class, so I can check 
with dynamic_cast if the test ray had found an interesting object or not. But 
this don't work, if I dont get the Field-Geode returned.

How to handle this problem? (osgPick-Demo is to simple to see a solution :( )

Thank you!


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