Hi Jean-Sebastien,

I would like to be able to use a custom command to preview what is being /
> has been exported by OSGExp. The toolbar contains an Export and Preview
> button, but would it be possible to specify a custom command in the options?
> That way I could preview objects in a "lite" version of our engine and show
> artists exactly how it will look once in the actual simulator.

I'm pretty sure MAXScript supports automating the export process and
executing arbitrary shell commands. You could write a script that exports
the model to the temp folder and then passes the model to your application.
I've never actually done this myself, but I'd be interested to see this
working. Our artist here has dabbled with MAXScript before, so I can ask him
for help if you run into any problems. This is probably the best way to go,
since it does not require any custom modifications to the actual plugin.

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