Hello OSGers!

The last days I am playing with osgAnimation in order to implement something. I 
managed to make something work like I want it to but I don't know if this is 
the right approach or not. I will describe my problem and then I will describe 
my solution. I would be more than grateful if you could give my 
suggestions,advices,tips etc.

I have a skinned (it has a skeleton, it is based on bones) hand model in a DAE 
file. The model does not contain any keyframes or animation.
I want to import this hand into my OSG application and be able to move the 
fingers independently using the k/b. The movement of the fingers is simple: 
only rotation around an axis. (have your palm wide open and try to make a fist, 
each finger rotates around one axis that passes through the joint).

* I load the model normally.
* I get a pointer to a bone(using an osg::NodeVisitor).
* I get osgAnimation::UpdateBone callback for that bone
* I get get the osgAnimation::StackedTransform from that 
* I push_back() a new osgAnimation::StackedRotateAxisElement  (I also store the 
pointer somewhere else) to the osgAnimation::StackedTransform
* Then I pass (using the constructor) the previous stored 
osgAnimation::StackedRotateAxisTransform pointer to a custom EventHandler that 
inherits from osgGA::GUIEventHandler and I add it (the handler) to the 
osgViewer (using addEventhandler()).
* Then inside the handler() function of my custom even handler I check for key 
presses and then I modify the angle of the 

All the above seem to work fine, but I don't know if this is the right way to 
solve this kind of problem. I would appreciate any 

Thank you very much for your time!


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