Hi Roger,

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Roger James
<ro...@beardandsandals.co.uk> wrote:
> I have noticed that different scene statistics are collected in threading 
> models where Renderer::cull_draw is called rather than Renderer::cull. In 
> particular the number of fast drawables and none of the primitive set 
> statistics are collected in cull_draw mode. Is there any reason for this. I 
> just spent a while wondering where all my fast path drawables had disappeared 
> to!

It's a bug!! :-)

I hadn't spotted this before, this must have been missed by the author
of the this particular bit of code, and not spotted by me on review
when merging it.

I will go have a look at the code behind the stats and see if I can
spot the bug.

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