Thanks Robert for the suggestion.
I implemented the feature based on  osgscreencapture.cpp  for the case
However the code still has two problems:

1) I get the following warning

PixelBufferX11::init(), pbuffer created with different size then requsted
        Requested size (800,600)
        Pbuffer size (0,0)
Pixel buffer has been created successfully.

If I let it pass the video creation works fine, but I get weird
drawings on my screen (on the whole desktop, independent of any
window). If I add a check for the pixel buffer size after creation,
well it is always empty. Without the pbuffer feature the application
works fine.

2) Independent of the previous issue, if I run the application in a
console (out of  X) I get the following error

Error: Unable to open display ":0.0".
  GraphicsWindow has not been created successfully.
Error: Unable to open display ":0.0".
std::exception was raised:  ColladaRenderer::ColladaRenderer failed to
create the pixel buffer

so it seems that the viewer still tries to create the GraphicsWindow.

Where in the code can I check if the viewer will try to create a
GraphicsWindow ?
What do you think I am doing wrong ?


On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 1:17 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:
> HI Rodrigo,
> The way to create an offscreen window is to use a Pbuffer graphics
> context, see the osgscreencapture.cpp example for code paths that
> creates pbuffers.
> Robert.
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 12:11 PM, Rodrigo Benenson
> <> wrote:
>> Hello OpenSceneGraph community !
>> I am creating my first application with openscenegraph, the aim is to
>> generate an animation and record it into a video file.
>> Right now I have a running program that uses osg and gstreamer to
>> render the animation and record it, everything works fine.
>> However, there is an issue: I currently use the osgViewer::Viewer
>> class, and when using it an X window appear (showing the animation).
>> I would like my application to be a console application only (no
>> graphical output).
>> Do you have suggestions on how to do this ?
>> I would assume that there should be something like "class
>> ConsoleViewer : public osgViewer::BaseViewer", but maybe I am looking
>> at this the wrong way ?
>> Your help is much welcome.
>> Thanks for the answers !
>> Regards,
>> rodrigob.
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