

I have used  osgText:FadeText attaching a model for displaying it's text 
information.I set the osgText:FadeText  always 

It is OK  in most case.Then I found if the model's size is small enough and the 
distance from viewer is too long(like 3000KM),the osgText:FadeText is not 
visible when the model been loaded the first time.

Then I zoom the viewer in,the osgText:FadeText  is visible  in certain 
distance,if I zoom the viewer out again,the osgText:FadeText  is still 
visible.Then nomatter how far the osgText:FadeText  away from the viewer,it is 
OK like normal.

It means when the first time I loaded the model ,the  osgText:FadeText may keep 
invisible and waiting me to find it.

It is certainly something about model's size,if it is big enough ,the problem 
will never happen.

Need help!

Thank you!


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