Thanks for those inputs Sergey, but actually I tried to follow the way
described in another OSG post: to create a custom CullVisitor and override
the getDistanceFromViewPoint() method:

And this seems to work great !!

Just in case someone would need some hints on this:

1. To override the CullVisitor, I do soemthing like:

MyOwnCullVisitor)  (do this for id=0 and 1)

2. In my own cull visitor I then have something like:

    virtual float getDistanceToViewPoint(const osg::Vec3& pos, bool
withLODScale) const
        if(_lastTraversalNumber!=_traversalNumber) {
            // Retrieve the beamTarget position X and use it as -Z position
in the view frame:
            osg::PositionAttitudeTransform* beamTarget =
            CHECK_POINTER(beamTarget,"Invalid beamTarget PAT in callback.");

            double offset = beamTarget->getPosition().x();
            referencePoint = osg::Vec3(0.0,0.0,-offset);
            _lastTraversalNumber = _traversalNumber;

        osg::Matrixd mat;
        if(!_modelviewStack.empty()) {
            const osg::RefMatrix* mview = _modelviewStack.back().get();

        osg::Vec3f localViewPoint = referencePoint*mat;

        //wxLogMessage("I'm in my special getDistanceToViewPoint!");
        if (withLODScale) return
        else return (pos-localViewPoint).length();

And with this I get the expected results without significant performance

So all good for me.


2011/8/10 Sergey Polischuk <>

> Hi,
> osg::LOD have option to use object's size on screen (in pixels?) instead of
> distance to camera to determine which lod to use, you can try these setting.
> Cheers,
> Sergey.
> 10.08.2011, 16:03, "Emmanuel Roche" <>:
> Hi everyone,
> I've have a specific question for which I could use some help/advises:
> - I'm quite up-to-date with OSG 3.0.0 and osgEarth current git version
> - I'm build an app where I use the osgEarth library to display the earth
> model.
> - When I setup a camera on that model, I use a camera with a very very
> small field of view (about 0.5 degrees in both horizontal and vertical
> directions), and my camera is actually far away from the earth model I'm
> looking at.
> - as a result of this, only low resolution tiles are loaded (because the
> camera distance to the tiles is used to diced what to load or not).
> - What I want to do is : to get high resolution tiles displayed around the
> ground location the camera is pointing at even if it is "physically" far
> away. then, because (or thanks to?) the small field of view, I would still
> see the local details on the high res tile textures.
> So, any advise how to achieve this ?
> - so far I have tried the following:
>   1. Setup this famous camera just as described before,
>   2. Add a slave camera, using the earth as child too, but this time,
> positioned very close to the first camera target point on earth (and looking
> "down" that point from the local zenith).
> Both cameras share the same databasepager (I think) and high res tiles are
> indeed properly loaded because of the second camera cull traversal. The
> problem is: I was expecting the loaded tiles to be "shared" by both cameras,
> yet that is not the case: I still only get the low res tiles displayed by
> the "far away camera". Is there a way to "share the tiles" as I was
> expecting ?
> - The other main idea I have then would be to find a way to "trick" the
> cull traversal of the far away camera so that, when traversing pagedLODs the
> reported distance to the tile would be as if the camera was actually much
> closer to its target point on the ground. Would that be a good idea ? Any
> hint on how to proceed then ??
> - of course, option 3 would be to actually move the camera to that close
> location and change the field of view to a bigger value to try to
> approximate the previous small field of view coverage. But the point is,
> this camera is meant for a simulator system, and the generated view should
> not "approximate the actual view", it should really be the same, so
> computing a new field of view would actually be impossible (or too complex
> to be worth at least).
> cheers,
> Manu.
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