Google is reminding me that it's not a good hour to answer question... In
any way... we have a very cool page in the wiki for Android that explains
pretty much every mistake you've done.

First NO emulator. OSG only works in real devices because the emulator
doesn't have a good GLES support. It fails.
Second NO dynamic, only static is supported (That's why it fails if you turn
them on).
Third. MAYBE (because the error comes from the first thing and this is only
the second usual mistake of pretty much everyone) you haven't compiled the
C++part and only built the Java part.

Good Luck and i'm going to sleep. Next time search the board and read the
messages.The Emulator question has been risen four or five times by now.

P.S. Read also the part about compiling C++ and Java part it has also been
discussed and if you are not confident or just plain lazy (as i am) there
are several ways to automatize the process inside the Eclipse or the VS. In
Eclipse there is a very good plugin calle Sequoyah.

Good Luck and it's fun to see people using it. Which reminds me the need to
extend the wiki for Android =_=

2011/8/10 Su Gang <>

> ccessful but while I run them on
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