
I appreciate the advice from everybody and have implemented a lot of it as it 
will help me develope better code.  However, my original problem does not stem 
from thread safety but from the .IV plugin and COIN.  We discoved this before I 
left for the day and I believe this may be an issue to be looked into.

Here is what was happening.  When I tried to load up .IV files using Inventor 
and COIN the plugin would fail along the way.  Most times the failure would 
only return a NULL pointer and I would be led to believe, by the notify 
messages, that the plugin simply could not be found.  However, when we started 
messing around with the order of operations and a few other parameters we 
noticed that the crash was only taking place when attempting to load a .IV 
file.  The reason I thought this was a threading issue is that the call stack 
made it look like one of the internal vectors had been corrupted by another 
thread.  But, since the only thing that was happening at this time was failing 
to read a .IV file we figured something was not quite as it appeared.

To make a long story short COIN was failing in a bad way but the standard 
notify message at the INFO level is:

DynamicLibrary::failed loading "osgPlugins-3.0.0/osgdb_ivd.dll"
Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "../../some_file.iv".

So, I know that COIN's failure is not an OSG problem but I do believe there may 
be room for a more useful debug output when a dll has problems that don't 
revolve around not existing.

My largest problem is that I'd love to tackle this myself but the legal I'd 
have to go through here would take at least 6 months.  So, it is here for 
discussion and if you think that 6 months + time to fix this wouldnt be that 
bad I could put in for permission to contribute to the project and hope they 
approve it.


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