Also you can declare #version 110  in both shaders, fix any errors that appears and see if it makes any difference (this can be useful on nvidia cards)
26.10.2011, 22:52, "Pecoraro, Alexander N" <>:

I can’t figure out why the shader embedded in the attached file doesn’t work without the hard coded position and scale variables. I’m trying to write a hardware instancing shader that uses glDrawElementsInstancedEXT() to draw multiple instances of a box where the position and scale of the box is computed on the GPU using uniform arrays indexed by gl_InstanceID. It seems like my uniform arrays are not being initialized even though the scene graph has a StateSet that contains the Uniform attributes. The only way for me to make it work the way I want is to explicitly set the position and scale in the shader with some hard coded values, but once I remove that code it stops working.


Any idea what I’m doing wrong?





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