Hello everyone,

I've found three bugs while using OpenSceenGraph while running on Mac OS X Lion (10.7.2). I'm posting them all in this message. Hopefully this is ok.

1  -  osgViewer::Viewer

Setting up a viewer without calling 'setUpViewOnSingleScreen()' will display the current scene on all available screen. As far as I understand this is not a bug but a feature :). But doing so OpenSceenGraph does not respect the arrangement of the displays. I didn't test a lot (and only with two displays), but it seems that the main screen is always assumed to be the left one.

2  -  osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::ScrollingMotion

I'm trying to write my own camera manipulator. Overwriting handleMouseWheel of the class StandardManipulator did not work out so well. The problem is that I'm only getting 'SCROLL_2D' events. I found post about this earlier today saying it has been fixed (sorry lost the link).

3  -  osgGA::GUIActionAdapter requestWarpPointer()

I'm trying to keep the mouse cursor always in the middle of the screen which works as expected. But after doing so the input freezes for about quarter a second. I found this forum entry: http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?t=3933 . Did anybody already find a solution for this?

Thanks for any help
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