Hi Scott,

It wasn't quite clear to me what you wanted represent with your
rocket's second set of axes. Your WCS origin is at the center of the
earth (ie, ECEF coordinates). Your rocket also has its own local
geometrical axes as your screenshots show. As your rocket orbits the
Earth, its ECEF coordinates (XYZ relative to Earth's center) will
change. I have no idea if this ASCII art will make any sense, but here

timepoint 1
ECEF                                        local
z                                         z
|__x                                      |__x

o <-- earth                               ||   <---- rocket

timepoint 2

o <-- earth

                     //   <---- rocket at some new position/orientation

If you translate the rocket to the center of the earth at any point
(so now the COG of the rocket is at (0,0,0)) only the orientation of
the rocket can change. Are you looking for the 'difference' between
the ECEF's X,Y and Z axes and your rocket's local X,Y,Z axes at any
given point in time? If so... then I think you can use linear algebra
to solve for the transform that gets you from ECEF to your local axes.
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