
I looked at the osgQt/GraphicsWindowQt class implementation. I think
what it does is render to Qt's QGLWidget's OpenGL context using
swapBuffers(). Again... being new to OpenGL, a lot of this stuff
doesn't really make too much sense to me, but the swapBuffers() call
is QGLWidget specific. There's no equivalent in the QDeclarative API,
so I couldn't find a way of exposing QGLWidget to QtQuick directly as
a QDeclarative item.

>From what I've read online, I think that the best that can be done is
creating a custom QDeclarativeItem, and overriding its paint() method,
where direct OpenGL calls can be made. I tested this out and it
works... I can, for instance, paint geometry using glBegin() and
glEnd() exactly as you'd expect, and it'll show up in a QML object.

So I think I need to use OSG to render my scene as a texture to an
FBO, then draw that using straight OpenGL calls. This is where I'm
totally lost though.

So if I had to rephrase the problem: Assuming I had a viewport I could
only paint to using native OpenGL calls, how could I render an
OpenSceneGraph scene in it?



On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 4:27 AM, Philipp Moeller
<philipp.moel...@geometryfactory.com> wrote:
> Preet <prismatic.proj...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hey all.
>> I have an OpenSceneGraph tree I'd like to have displayed in QtQuick.
>> I'd like the user to be able to interact with the scene where the
>> mouse can zoom/pan/rotate the camera, just like osgViewer allows. I
>> saw that there were a couple of examples (osgQtWidgets and
>> osgQtBrowser), but they're a little over my head.
>> I think the right way to start trying this is by starting with the
>> QtDeclarative model
>> (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qtdeclarative.html)... but I'm
>> not too sure where to go from here. Does anyone have any suggestions?
>> Regards,
>> Pris
> Hi Preet,
> I've looked into integrating OpenSceneGraph into QML. You might want to
> start with the osgviewerQt to get started with a viewer integrated into
> Qt. Then you should have a look at [1] to see how you can expose your
> osg widget to QML. If I ever get something reusable up and running, I'll
> let the list know. If you go down the route of exposing scene graph
> functionality in your Qt application you will need to roll some
> implementation of QAbstractItemModel, which is a real pain. It get's
> easier if you restrain yourself to graphs where each element only has a
> single parent. If you can throw something together I would be really
> interested in it, so let me know.
> [1] : 
> http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/gettingstartedqml.html#exposing-c-classes-to-qml
> --
> Philipp Moeller
> GeometryFactory
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