On 02/27/2012 02:12 PM, Chris Hanson wrote:
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Shayne Tueller <shayne.tuel...@hill.af.mil <mailto:shayne.tuel...@hill.af.mil>> wrote:

     I believe this issue has been addressed before but I can't find
    the previous discussion. Therefore I will ask again...
    Is there a way to get Release-built OSG libs to play nicely with
    an app that is built with Debug? Right now if I link with
    Release-built OSG libs, my app (built with Debug option) doesn't
    work. If I link with Debug-built OSG libs, things work fine. If I
    built my app with Release, then it also works fine.

Here is an explanation of why this doesn't work...


The article talks about the differences between msvcrt.dll and msvcr<version>.dll, but the same problem exists when you mix debug and release runtime libraries. You can't pass a pointer generated by your app in debug mode (using the debug version of the C runtime) to OSG in release mode (using the release version of the C runtime).

The key is the C runtime flag sent to the compiler. Either compile everything with /MD (Multithreaded DLL) or /MDd (Multithreaded debug DLL). Mixing them is bad.

However, I believe you could build a release build of your app with no optimization and with all debug symbols included. This should allow you to debug your code (though not as completely as a full Debug build) from within a release build.

Yeah, this works (sort of).


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