I think it might be a scale issue wrt to the camera. I just found out
about the OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL env var, and I get a bunch of messages
about the viewer's drawing traversal:

cull_draw() 0x988f788
_clampProjectionMatrix not applied, invalid depth range, znear =
3.40282e+38  zfar = -3.40282e+38
end cull_draw() 0x988f788

I'm using large scaled units (ie, millions) in the scene. Maybe the
geometry isn't within the camera's frustum, or something like that? I
don't get why change the number of vertices that make up the geometry
would cause a change like that though.

I construct a spheroid using arguments for parameters that correspond
to latitude / longitude style divisions. The latitude argument defines
how many 'rings' go down one axis of the sphere, and the longitude
argument defines how many 'sectors' each 'ring' is divided into. So if
I specify 36 rings and 72 sectors for each ring, I expect my sphere to
have (36*72) vertices. This works fine. If I up the ante to 48 rings
and 72 sectors, osgViewer won't show the geometry.

The function I call isn't doing anything special... and seems to
complete fine before being sent to the viewer.

http://pastie.org/3497231 - line 184 is where I defined the function.
I'm going to


On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Sebastian Messerschmidt
<sebastian.messerschm...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi Preet,
> can you give us some more details on the limit you are hitting here?
> Also I don't see any hints how your geometry is organized? As a single
> drawable?
> If the latter is the case, I guess you are simply hitting some OpenGL/Driver
> limits regarding the maximum size of a draw array.
> cheers
> Sebastian
>> Hiya,
>> I used OpenSceneGraph to generate some straightforward geometry; an
>> ellipsoid representing the Earth. I wrote a function which calculated
>> vertices, normals, texture coords and indices for the geometry. The
>> function takes the number of 'sectors' and 'rings' as arguments to
>> generate spherical geometry. It works fine until I hit some limit as I
>> increase the resolution of the mesh (by passing a larger number of
>> sectors and rings to the function), after which point osgviewer
>> doesn't display the data. There aren't any errors; the geometry just
>> doesn't show up in the viewer. If I go back beyond some threshold the
>> geometry shows up again. What's going on?
>> Regards,
>> Preet
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