Hey all,

I'm trying to draw a simple sphere (yes, I know there's a drawable
type available) to learn how to build up simple geometry, by
specifying vertices, normals, texture coordinates and indices. I
eventually want to create a function that will give me vertices for
spheroids that aren't perfect spheres, but follow the same principles.

I've been doing okay so far, and used a spherical coordinate transform
to get cartesian coordinates. I have vertices, normals, texture
coordinates and indices.

* The issue I've run into involves where my 2D texture wraps around
and meets itself on the sphere:

Like shown in the picture, there's a visible seam there. There are
also shadows where multiple identical vertices are present at the
poles. I'd like to know how to get rid of the seam and shadows!

I am manually mapping the texture using the simplest 2d
texture->sphere, shown here:

If I use the bare minimum vertices (no duplicates) to define the
sphere then the seaming and shadows disappear but I'm unable have the
2D texture wrap all the way around, and see extreme warping at the
poles (which makes sense):


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