
On Monday 16 April 2012, Wolfgang Rostek wrote:
> I'm fighting with some stutter issues using Flightgear (2.6 and OSG 3.0.1).
> In my scenario I can reproduce it and it seems to be related to tile
> loading. The frame rate is above 50 Hz but in one frame cycle it takes 678
> msec.
> I extended OSG notify with a [usec][thread id] prefix and run it with
> DEBUG_FP level. Below the long lasting frame cycle. It starts at line 21.
> Up to line 246 it consumes 139 msec. The Create new ... TextureObjects
> lines up to 257 consume another 543 msec.
> Is this log showing something I can improve?
> Why is the time consuming part on the draw() thread (1818)? I would assume
> this could be done somehow in the background (I'm using
> DrawThreadPerContext).

You are using the nvidia binary driver?

This one is known to be extremely bad with computing mipmapping together with 
texture compression.

Can you give the following command line

fgfs --prop:/sim/rendering/texture-compression=off

a try?
This will switch off the use of forced texture compression which might help in 
this situation.
Please tell me if ths works for you.



Dr. Mathias Fröhlich, science + computing ag, Software Solutions
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