
Not to hijack this thread, but I'm also interested in porting my osg
application to an OpenGL ES2 device. I'm new to OSG and OpenGL but I
understand that ES2 has some pretty significant changes in how things
are drawn. What sort of steps should I be taking to accomplish this?
I'm not sure what level of 'continuity' OSG offers between the
different OpenGL versions, and I didn't design the original
application with OpenGLES in mind (no shaders, just simple geometry,
transforms and materials). Based on this thread I get the feeling I
shouldn't expect my application to 'just work'... so what's the right
way to proceed? Does 'most' of OSG's basic functionality still work
with ES2? Will I need to rewrite much of my code?

I downloaded an OpenGLES2 emulator from PowerVR... I'll try to compile
OSG for ES2 and see if I can get any examples working, but beyond that
I really don't know how to approach this and would appreciate any



On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 4:51 PM, Eduardo Poyart <poy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Very clarifying, thank you.
> I did experiment with ShaderGen and I even patched it to generate
> GLES2 code. However I'm going in a different direction.
> My models are simple. I wrote my own shader and added it to the root
> node. My shader currently has a fixed light position for testing
> purposes. Now I want to render it with textures.
> If OSG would detect GLES2 and appropriately write standard-named
> uniforms for textures, I could just use those names in the shader.
> Maybe that needs to be done in State::applyModeOnTexUnit, since there
> is code there for fixed-function Opengl (glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)).
> If that seems like a good direction, I'll try to do it for textures.
> The same thing can be done for light positions later. This way I leave
> ShaderGen out of the way, and it can be improved later.
> Eduardo
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 7:51 AM, Robert Osfield
> <robert.osfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Thomas et. al,
>> I won't have a chance to complete the shader composition functionality
>> in the near term so an improved ShaderGen would be welcome.
>> Handling items like lights, texgen and clipplanes will require some
>> handling elsewhere other than with just the standard functionality -
>> we'll need to have the osg::Light, osg::TexGen  and osg::ClipPlane all
>> be written as appropriate osg_* uniforms with the values being passed
>> to OpenGL using the current modelview matrix as is done by OpenGL with
>> the fixed function pipeline.  This might require amendments to
>> osg::State/osgUtil::RenderStage and the osg::Light, osg::TexGen and
>> osg::ClipPlane, but it might also be possible with just amendments to
>> state attributes if they do a little compute work prior to passing
>> their values to OpenGL as uniforms. I would suggest finding a workable
>> solution for lights then when this works roll it out for the other
>> positional state.
>> Thoughts?
>> Robert.
>> On 23 April 2012 15:16, Thomas Hogarth <thomas.hoga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes I have a GLES2 version of shader gen. At the moment it only supports a 
>>> fixed hardcoded light position, which isn't great but it does support, 
>>> texturing, lighting etc.
>>> I've attached it and we can look at including into core osg, but I think 
>>> support for at least the initial position of one light source would be 
>>> good. Also we need to either test for backward compatibility with GL2 or 
>>> have two versions of ShaderGen in the core.
>>> I know Roberts long term goal is to introduce a Shader Composer system 
>>> (bits and pieces already exist), but this can work as an aid to new 
>>> developers until then.
>>> Let me know how you get on with it.
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