On 06/06/2012 11:34 PM, Jordan Sparks wrote:

I work in a research lab that uses a CAVE. We were recently given a large 3D 
model made in Google SketchUp to work with by a client. Unfortunately, we keep 
having issues when running it in the CAVE on OSG. The model seems to have it's 
ambient light amped up as it keeps glowing white and yet sometimes, if the 
camera is far enough, this light will fade (leading me to believe this might be 
a light attached to the camera. I'm not sure what it is, but the effect seems 
similar to when you ramp up the ambient light attribute of a model. I know not 
everyone works with CAVEs but does anyone think they know what the issue is?

It might be that your model's normals are getting scaled. Try something like this:

osg::StateSet *ss = model->getOrCreateStateSet();
ss->setMode(GL_NORMALIZE, osg::StateAttribute::ON);


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