I was going to raise that point. Flightgear has for some years now a system 
where designers can express their statesets in XML files called effects. A 
statesets is called a "Pass" in FG (or a FG Pass is implemented with a 
stateset). You can add multiple passes in a Technique, allowing you to redraw 
the same geometry with multiple statesets (including render bins details). An 
effect file gathers multiple techniques that have a predicate, based on 
supported extensions and internal FG switches, which is evaluated at run time. 
The multiple techniques allow us to render the water or the urban areas 
differently based on user preferences and GPU capabilities.

Beside that effect system, we introduced a deferred renderer called 'Rembrandt' 
(currently still experimental but it will be present in the next release in 
August) where the different stages of the renderer are also described in XML. 
In that XML we can add rendering buffers (textures for RTT), specify rendering 
orders and assign effects to stages. The default pipeline has boom and ambient 
occlusion that can be switched on and off at run time.

If you have any question, you can consult the wiki page or ask


----- Mail original -----
De: Sergey Kurdakov

Hi Wang, 

might be not quite a significant point, 
but osg based Flightgear has a ongoing Project Rembrandt 


it has some similar things done, 
so could serve for inspiration. 


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