
I have a scene consisting of just an osgText object and its shaders.
The scene works fine in a default application where OpenSceneGraph is
the only library being used, but won't render correctly when I try to
draw to a QGLFrameBufferObject. Drawing to the FBO works fine if I
don't use osgText (other than text, I've just tried simple models so

Using osgText 'messes' the Qt UI up, by changing the order of what (Qt
items) are painted or changing their size or stretching them...
nothing from OSG seems to be painted at all.

I'm guessing there's a conflict with OpenGL calls between Qt and OSG.
OSG is set up using GraphicsWindowEmbedded, and in Qt, I bind my
framebuffer before calling osgViewer's frame(), and release it after.
I'm lost as to why using osgText of all things would cause this issue.
Just the inclusion of osgText in my scene tree causes the problem.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can force Qt and OSG to
play nice?

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