
On 20 aug 2012, at 17.47, Robert Osfield wrote:

> Hi Ola,
> On 20 August 2012 16:29, Ola Nilsson <o...@weatherone.tv> wrote:
>> The double delete originates from the DatabasePager, but the destruction of
>> these objects should be safe(ref counted as well as threadsafe) shouldn't
>> it? I would be grateful if someone could take a look at the stacktrace (prev
>> post, below) and see if there is anything suspicious going on.
> I have just tried your modified osgterrain and it crashes for me with
> a seg fault during the update traversal.  I am just doing a debug
> build to see if this reveals anything more useful.

Great news!

> While the usage your modified osgterrain shouldn't cause a crash it's
> certainly not the way I would recommend anyone to use osgTerrain - the
> setSampleRatio() feature is meant to be set once in an application
> rather than thrashed continuously as changing the same ratio forces a
> rebuild of the terrain geometry.  The Camera::setLODScale() is however
> a light weight operation without any performance or stability
> consequences and can be changed every frame without problem.
> The question has to be why you are changing the Terrain SampleRatio.

As I tried to convey in my first post, the sample program just exaggerates a 
usage scenario that _very_ seldom crashed our app. We obviously do not change 
sampleratio per frame call in our app. It can however be set per "flight" in a 
"project". We will revise this usage.


> Robert.
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