On 01/07/2013 04:25 PM, Conan Doyle wrote:

I find myself in need of building OSG/Producer/OT 1.2 to support a legacy 
project.  I am using gcc 4.4.5.  I am getting numerous compile errors regarding 
undeclared functions such as memset, memcpy, getenv and so on.  These seem easy 
enough to correct by adding the proper includes to the .cpp files in which the 
errors are found, but before I continue to do so, I thought I should ask if 
this was the correct or best approach and if I should expect any issues 
downstream in doing this or in general with building OSG/Producer/OT with 1.2 
w/gcc 4.4.5.

Hi, Conan,

I vaguely recall having all kinds of problems with OSG 1.2 compiling
with any version of gcc4.  I think we ran into this when we upgraded our
version of Red Hat in the lab, and the new version switched from gcc3 to
4.  Our solution at the time was to go ahead and upgrade to OSG 2.0.

The point being, there probably isn't a "right way" to do this.
Whatever works best for you is probably the right way.


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