Hi Ehsan,

For the most part the common API of 2.8.x and 3.0.x has been
maintained so applications should port from 2.8.x to 3.0.x easily.
Often it will simply be a case of recompiling against the new version,
occasionally you might find a difference, if you do just ping the list
or have a look through the API in question, if there has been a change
that effects you it's very likely it's something like typo fix or
minor revision.

The big differences between 2.8.x and 3.0.x lie in internals of the
OSG, and additional new functionality that sits alongside the old
classes.  The really big change is that the OSG now supports OpenGL
ES, but for an OpenGL/OSG application developer this will just be
latent functionality that you won't use and won't be affected by.


On 25 January 2013 15:47, Ehsan Azar <dash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using OSG2.8.2, and recently am trying to upgrade, I am following the 
> cumulative changelogs already but I appreciate if there is any document that 
> explains any possible API changes (I have not seen any).
> It seems I should be able to start with 3.0 but then I wonder why 2.8 is 
> still popular.  Specially I noticed alphapixel kindly provides desktop 
> binaries, that also includes the rather old 2.8.5. Is there any major leap 
> that has made 3.0 dramatically different?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Ehsan
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=52198#52198
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