
At 2013-01-27 19:02:15,Peterakos <> wrote:
>I try to create a multi pass algorithm in which i have 2-3 lights in
>different positions.
>As i have it now i need 1 pass for each light, in which i write the
>shadowmap to a texture.
>The only variables that describe each light are:
>I pass the as uniform.
>I thought i could create 1 pass, which receives these uniforms from
>all lights and write to different frag data.
>The problem is that i can pass only 1 gl_Position from vertex shader
>to fragment shader.
>And also the fragment shader is executed for each pixel the model
>occupies, which is calculated from gl_Position.
>Any idea of how i can merge the light passes into 1 pass ?
>thank you for your time.
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