Hi Jeremy,

This sound very similar to an issue I've encountered before. Does your RTT
Camera object use a RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE reference frame? Also, are you
applying any ComputeBoundingSphereCallbacks to you scene or override the
"computeBound" method of any nodes?


On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 11:07 AM, Jeremy Moles <cubic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone! I'm running into a problem in my application where I'm
> trying to switch between two different subgraphs as the result of some
> event (key press or similar). The first of these two objects is a standard
> subgraph with nothing too sophisticated going on. The second of these is a
> RTT "stack" of Camera objects.
> The problem manifests in that if I switch FROM the standard graph (just a
> random grouping of models) to the RTT Camera stack, the bounds of the
> previous node are used for the RTT Camera. This means that while the same
> scene rendered within my RTT stack is fine as long as you don't adjust the
> view matrix, as soon as you move the scene around it begins to get culled.
> I can remedy this problem by disabling culling on the main viewer camera
> when my RTT stack is "in effect", but I feel like I'm doing something
> wrong... the reason I think this is because I can add the RTT stack to my
> scene as the FIRST scene (and never toggle it to anything else) and the
> culling occurs correctly. The problem only manifests when I switch from the
> RTT stack to a standard node AND THE BACK to the RTT scene.
> Has anyone tried anything like this in the past? Does anyone have any
> hints? :)
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