Hi Terry,

I use osg::Camera objects to render FBOs that are the same size as the
window. When the window is resized, I clear the rendering cache of the
camera and reset the texture size:


This has worked fine for me for a while now. What version of OSG are you


On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Terry Welsh <mogu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I render to an FBO texture attachment the same size as my window. But
> when I expand the window and try to resize the texture to match it, I
> end up rendering to a rectangle the size of my original window in the
> lower left corner of the now-larger texture. It seems like a lot of
> people would have tried this by now. Any advice from someone who is
> doing it successfully?
> I have tried this code that has been recommended in a few emails, but no
> luck.
>         mColorTex->setTextureSize(w, h);
>         mColorTex->dirtyTextureObject();
>         mColorTex->dirtyTextureParameters();
>         mCamera->setViewport(x, y, w, h);
>         mCompositeCamera->setViewport(x, y, w, h);
>         mMainSceneView->getRenderStage()->setFrameBufferObject(NULL);
>         mMainSceneView->getRenderStage()->setCameraRequiresSetUp(true);
> This seems to be the exact same problem as this unanswered email from
> last year. There have been similar threads from time to time as well.
> http://lists.openscenegraph.org/htdig.cgi/osg-users-openscenegraph.org/2012-March/057126.html
> --
> Terry Welsh
> www.reallyslick.com
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