
I think some of the recent code wrt osgPresentation is causing the Android
build to fail. Here's my cmake config call:

cmake \
-DANDROID_NDK=/home/preet/Dev/env/sys/android-ndk-r8e \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/preet/Dev/env/android/osg-git-debug \
-DANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a" \
-DANDROID_STL="gnustl_shared" \

Here's the resulting error:
make[3]: *** No rule to make target
`/home/preet/Downloads/build/osg/src/osgPresentation/Model.cpp', needed by
`obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs-debug/osgPresentation/Model.o'.  Stop.

Also... I get a bunch of warnings during compile (unrelated to the
presentation error -- this is with older commits as well). The following
line is output 100's of times.

Android NDK: WARNING: Invalid LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION values: cpp

This doesn't seem normal... Should I be concerned about it?

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