
I'm getting unexpected behavior from PolytopeIntersector and was wondering if 
it might have something to do with the PagedLODs in my scene graph.

I want to find all polygons in a rectilinear volume in my model, in model 
coordinates (not related to any view on the screen) based on two corner 

The weird thing is that if I use the two corner points as the ends of a 
LineSegmentIntersector, I find intersections, but a PolytopeIntersector with 
Polytope made from a BoundingBox with those same corner points, over the same 
graph, finds no intersections.

Shouldn't the PolytopeIntersector at least find the geometry that the 
LineSegmentIntersector does?

I thought I might have the direction of the planes backwards for the Polytope, 
so I tried flip() but either way I get no intersections.

I've read through the code and it looks like there might be issues related to 
the PagedLODs in my scene graph. Any idea if PolytopeIntersector and PagedLOD 
play together well or not?

I've looked for examples and read code for PolytopeIntersector, but there 
doesn't seem to be much out there, and most of it uses View-based intersection, 
not model-based.

Thank you!


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