Hello Robert,

Thanks for your quick reply! I really appreciate it!  :D 

Could you please tell me where (or on which line) I destroy the graphics window?
(Just to prevent I make the same mistake in the future...)

Ok, let me explain what the situation is.

I have a software application that needs a new module/extension that will 
include a 3D-model. 
This 3D model I want to create with OSG. This 3D model shows an object that is 
controlled by this application. 
(it represents the current state of it, like the angle of an arm or something)

As our applcation has multiple pages, the OSG window only should be visible 
when the page is active that needs to show the 3D-model.
I had in mind to put the osg window on top of the apllication page. Combining 
this without the windowDecoration, this could look like it is embedded in the 

What I need is a function to let a windows without windowDecoration appear and 
a function to let a window disappear. 

Everytime the window needs to appear again, I don't want to create a window and 
load the complete model again.
The model is pretty big and complex, so it takes some time to load it.
So when the window is not visible, I would prefer to pause the rendering of the 
model instead of destroying it.
I want to pause the rendering to prevent using (a lot of) resources that I am 
not using while the viewer is not displayed on screen.

I hope I cleared up some confusion about what I am trying to achieve.

Thanks again for all your help!


robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> I doubt what you are seeing is a bug in the OSG, rather a
> manifestation of trying to do something is crazy way.  It seems you
> are trying to hide a window by putting it off screen, but even more
> odd you are destroying the graphics window and then recreating it off
> screen, but would you need to create something you are not going to
> see.  It's perplexing trying to work out what you really intend.
> Might I suggest you explain in simple terms how you want your
> application to behave and let others in the community suggest how best
> to achieve this.
> Robert.
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