
due to my long absence here I've realized that OpenSceneGraph has still this 
more than awful mailing list system from the early 1990. The forum mirror where 
I basically failed the captcha verification as I was presented with detecting 
something that looked like a celtic modification of an A (A was wrong :/) is 
quite dated too.

So I thought about asking whether there is an interest to move the support to a 
modern (probably better) level.

I hope many people already know stackoverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/) and 
the stackexchange team allows to propose a new site by posting it to 
http://area51.stackexchange.com/ . When enough interest is generated, the site 
will be public.

I mean come on. This mailing list still posts my own password back to me as 
plaintext and having the ability to participate at other stackexchanges sites 
with one account looks quite appealing while gaining a much better way of 
monitoring OpenSceneGraph instead of being either flooded by mails or getting 

Plus: No ancient mail management anymore.

osg-users mailing list

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