Hi Mike.

a little update to previous reply

somehow I overlooked that hogbox has in fact plugin, which can serve as
inspiration for you own


On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 1:53 AM, Sergey Kurdakov <sergey.fo...@gmail.com>

> Hi Mike,
> yes, the question confuses when one starts to work with pure shader
> environments.
> the approach is to have a custom format and custom materials which are not
> so far implemented in core of osg.
> I found one osg compatible approach for materials see
> https://code.google.com/p/hogbox/
> while the code has nice materials class
> https://code.google.com/p/hogbox/source/browse/trunk/src/hogbox/HogBoxMaterial.cpp
>  the code provided lacks loader,
> another example format for shader-only based  osg is internal format for
> http://osgjs.org/
> there is though one catch - it is possible to  save to this format from
> osg, but load only in osgjs, but it might shed light on how to proceed with
> own custom format
> https://github.com/cedricpinson/osg/tree/master/src/osgPlugins/osgjs
> also there is a split plugin which is needed if there is hardware
> limitation on vertex count
> https://github.com/cedricpinson/osg/tree/master/src/osgPlugins/split
> Regards
> Sergey
> On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 12:24 AM, Mike Metcalf <metcalfnos...@mac.com>
> wrote:
>> We are putting together an mapping application targeted for the imx6
>> hardware. The drivers support GLES 2.0, with no fallback/support for
>> previous versions.
>> We have models and other resources in osgb files, and load them at
>> run-time, attaching them to our scene graph as necessary. On our dev
>> platforms (win7 and linux on x86) things render without issue, but when
>> cross-compiled and deployed to our imx6 hardware, these osgb resources did
>> not show.
>> We traced it to bad shaders, and found on these forums that the reason is
>> that ShaderGen.cpp was generating (fallback?) shaders which are not
>> compatible with GLES 2.0.
>> My first naive step was to modify the vertex and fragment shaders in
>> ShaderGen to enable them to compile in our GLES GPU. We had to remove
>> references to the fixed-function pipeline, and that included references to
>> gl_Color (et al), which was how each vertex got it's starting material
>> color. So... we could see our geometry on-screen, but the material colors
>> as stored in the osgb file were unavailable.
>> I then dug around GLSL 2.0 enough to tentatively conclude that the new
>> method of supplying those vertex colors to the shader code is to declare
>> vertex attributes in the vertex shader and then bind an array of attributes.
>> But, and this is my question, how do we use the generalized approach of
>> reading in osg::nodes from osgb files, attach them to the scenegraph and
>> still bind attributes to them?
>> It seems that we would either need to create a unique osg::program per
>> osg::node we load and then somehow glean the vertex color information from
>> the osg::node, load it into an array and bind that array to the shader
>> program.
>> Can anyone shed any light on this? I thing I'm missing something fairly
>> fundamental.
>> Many thanks in advance!
>> Mike
>> ------------------
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>> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=59905#59905
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