Hi Robert,

The new shader composition feature seems really interesting. The code
sample is easy to follow and at first glance it does appear to be simpler
to work with than the previous osg::ShaderComposer implementation. However,
as someone who has invested a lot of time and work into the older
framework, I'd like to also voice my concern over your plan to
deprecate/remove it.

I haven't had a chance to really dive into the implementation details, so
forgive me if my concerns are completely overblown. Like David, I can't
really provide a concise example program that demonstrates how I'm
currently using the ShaderComposer framework. However, there are a couple
features of the existing framework I'd like to point out that are
absolutely critical for my use case.

1) Being able to override osg::ShaderComposer::getOrCreateProgram(). This
is huge, because I can implement my own algorithm for composing shader
code. It also gives me control of how the osg::Program object is generated
and allows me to automatically apply uniforms based on the shader
components. Another benefit is that I can implement my own shader caching

2) The osg::ShaderComposer object is called within the context of
osg::State::apply. This is crucial, because it allows my composer to
automatically apply textures based on the specified shader components. For
example, if I wanted to add caustic lighting to the scene, my custom shader
component would specify the caustic texture and shader code. The composer
would then apply the texture to the next available texture unit and
automatically apply the necessary sampler uniform. This makes it easy for
us to define self contained shader effects that use textures, without
needing to be aware of the scene and which texture units are available.
This is also used for adding texture projected lights, ambient light cube
maps, ramp-based lighting models, etc...

If the new framework allows for such use cases, then great! If not, then I
think it's reasonable to keep the old framework around for advanced use
cases that require more low-level hooks into the scene graph.

Again, the new framework looks great and I'm not criticizing it at all. I'm
just worried about losing years of work I've invested into the old


On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 7:00 AM, Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I have now checked in core OSG support for a new form of shader
> composition that leverages #pragma's to extended GLSL shaders to specify
> which #define's that it requires from the scene graph. The scene graph
> passes these to the shaders via StateSet::setDefine(..) and provides full
> support for the OSG's state override/protected options.
> I have modified the osgshadercomposition example to illustrate a very
> simple example that utlizes three shaders checked into
> OpenSceneGraph-Data/shaders trunk.  So on the code look for
> OpenSceneGraph/examples/osgshadercomposition.cpp and on the shader from
> look at OpenSceneGraph-Data/shaders/osgshadercompostion.vert,
> osgshadercomposition.frag and lighting.vert.
> I will write more later about how to use this new capability.  It's gotta
> be one of the coolest features added to the OSG for quite a few years :-)
> Cheers,
> Robert.
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