I will explain what I did till now:

1. Donwloaded OSG and extracted on the folder OSGraph/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0.
2. Downloaded 3rdParty folder 64bit and extracted on the folder 
3.Installed Cmake and Browed to OSGraph/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0 folder on "Where 
is the source code".
4. On the option "Where to build the binaries" -> 
6. Clicked on Configure -> "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" and then Generate.
7. Opened OSGraph/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/build/OpenSceneGraph.sln, Release mode-> 
and right click on "ALL_BUILD" and clicked Build.
8. After an hour the built is finished and again right click on "INSTALL" and 
clicked Build. Now I get three folders on OSGraph/osg namely bin, include and 
lib.(I suppose these are the files that I need to include on my project).
9. Created new Visual Studio-Project
        - Win32 Console Application
        - Empty project
10. Release Mode and then I set the Project-Properties as follows:
        - General -> Character Set -> Use Multi-Byte Character Set
        - C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories -> 
        - C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library -> Multi-threaded Debug 
DLL (/MDd)
        - C/C++ -> Language -> Enable Run-Time Type Info -> Yes (/GR)
        - Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories -> 
        - Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies -> "osg.lib, 
osgAnimation.lib, osgDB.lib, osgFX.lib, osgGA.lib, osgManipulator.lib, 
osgParticle.lib, osgPresentation.lib, osgShadow.lib, osgSim.lib, 
osgTerrain.lib, osgText.lib, osgUI.lib, osgUtil.lib, osgViewer.lib, 
osgVolume.lib, osgWidget.lib, OpenThreads.lib“  
11.Now I try to built then I get more than 300 LNK error: ie LNK2028, LNK2019, 

Can Anybody tell me what I am doing wrong? 

Thank you!


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