if the w coordinate of your projected shadow texture coordinate is < 0, you
reject the shadow. This is quite easy to do in GLSL.

The same technique can be used both for projective texture mapping and for


2016-04-28 11:40 GMT+02:00 Pierre-Jean Petitprez <

> Hi dear OSG users,
> I'm wondering how to correctly use osgShadow. As you can see on the file I
> have attached, the shadow map is projected on the receiving object also on
> a face which should normaly not receive the shadow from the sphere (on my
> example the light is at the top right corner). It behaves like if the top
> face did not stop the light to continue its path through the object (which
> is not transparent).
> My example is with soft shadow but I tested with other techniques and it
> is the same behaviour.
> Is there a way to avoid such behaviour with osgShadow ?
> Thank you.
> Cheers,
> Pierre-Jean
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