Thanks Bjorn for the osg-3rdparty-cmake project. It really helped alot. I got 
stuck on getting libtiff working with osg though and found out after banging my 
head against the wall for quite some time with the version linked to from the 
readme on github: libtiff(dot)org

Not sure if that site is getting moved or something but the last tested version 
you mention, 4.0.6 is not available from that site and there's many broken 
links on libtiff(dot)org. I actually got 4.0.6 from 
herelinuxfromscratch(dot)com which I found searching for libtiff and 4.0.6 
(can't post links)

I thought I could build libtiff myself from libtiff site (v 3.8.2) but I failed 
to get rid of linking errors when building osg using it. I tried to build dlls 
for libtiff but I failed to get rid of the linking problems.

When switching to v4.0.6 from the link above, it worked right away. Maybe 
something to note in the readme on github for others that come across the 



Thank you!


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