Hi Raymond,

If you're okay with having a regular mesh after your editing operation you can either use a vertex-texture that you modify or you can adapt a osgTerrain::GeometryTechnique to generate modified geometry patches. I've done this once for a game that used SimCity-style terrain sculpting. I can share portions of the code with you privately.

Hi everyone,

I have a question about the implementation of an idea: I would like to adapt the vertices in a height field based on a triangle/polygon. So I would like to start with a height field and push/pull vertices with a triangle/polygon so that the height field is flattened according to the triangle/polygon.

This is a pretty new area for me so does someone have pointers to example code? I have browsed the examples but cannot find pointers at the moment. I am probably looking in the wrong places at the moment...

Thanks a lot, cheers,

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