On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 4:33 PM Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi François
> Thanks for the suggestion and links.  I had been wondering about there
> was an issue with thread affinity and your links illustrates how this
> can be even worse than normal with the two group of cores on the
> Ryzen.
> I have followed your suggestion of using taskset to set the affinity
> to -c 0-7 and various other combinations but don't see any consistent
> difference to be able to declare that it's having a positive affect -
> the variation in frame rates between different runs is wider than any
> differences using taskset has.  I've been trying runs of the same
> software (osgviewer & osg2vsg viewer) and with the same dataset on my
> Intel and AMD boxes with different taskset and if anything the Intel
> benefits more, and the results are perhaps slightly more consistent.
> Differences are in the 1-2% range, but each run I can see as much
> variation as this so I'd say the results are statistically
> significant.
> The tests I've been doing just now use an old city model that I have,
> it's not a large model and doesn't use any advanced features being
> derived originally from a Creator/OpenFlight model.  Total number of
> Geometries is 2268, number of Group nodes 1518, Transforms 552,
> Vertices and Primtives 161,061 and 46,396 respectively and finally
> 1105 StateSet's.  When using the same animation path file, and
> rendering at 192x108 (1/100th pixels of my display to avoid fill
> limit) this small city model renders at:
>                               OSG      OSG(vfs)    VSG
> core-i7-4770s     672fps    432fps       2845fps
> AMD 2700           547fps   347fps        2320fps
> The OSG(vsg) is running osgviewer with just view frustum sides enabled
> so that small feature culling is not enabled.  This makes quite a bit
> of difference to the OSG performance on this model, so switching it
> off rather hobbles the OSG for this dataset and animation path but as
> the VSG doesn't have small feature culling or LOD it's a bit of better
> comparison like for like with the VSG.  The OSG in these case are
> running with DrawThreadPerContext while the VSG is running single
> threaded.
> The OSG with small feature culling results see a 22% slow down on the AMD 
> 2700.
> The OSG with small feature culling off see a 26% slow down on AMD 2700
> The VSG sees a 22% slow down on the AMD2700
> This is all despite having a Geforce 2060 in the AMD box vs a 1060 in
> the Intel one, so it's looks strongly like a CPU related issue and a
> pretty consistent once given we have two totally different scene
> graphs exhibiting a similar slow down.
> For those curious about how much multi-threaded helps the OSG.
> Running Single threaded the results I get are:
>                               OSG      OSG(vfs)    VSG
> core-i7-4770s     483fps    322fps       2845fps
> AMD 2700           399fps   256fps        2320fps
> So DrawThreadPerContext vs SingleThread with small feature culling is
> 39% faster on the Intel, 37% faster on the AMD.
> While DrawThreadPerContext vs SingleThread without small feature
> culling is 34% faster on the Intel, 35% faster on the AMD.
> The figures for the VSG are the same in the above tests as I haven't
> yet tackled multi-threading.  The VSG also doesn't yet do depth
> sorting of the transparent objects or do billboarding so it's not
> quite a 1:1 match up for visuals, these features will slow the VSG by
> some %, while multi-threading will get us back some.  The VSG hasn't
> been optimized either so it's too early to make any conclusion from
> the figures beyond comparing Intel vs AMD and that the VSG with Vulkan
> is going to be significantly faster than the OSG/OpenGL for models
> that have lots of separate geometries and state.
> Another oddity is that in the osg2vsg test app I've added a test of
> not fulling in the command buffer each frame, instead just
> resubmitting the same command buffer each frame, when I do this I
> remove the VSG's command dispatch traversal.  It doens't update the
> eye point so it's a pretty crappy test in terms of something that is
> widely useful in real applications but it can provide some insight in
> the CPU overhead associated with the scene graph traversal and filling
> the command buffer.  On the Intel system I see frame rate jump from
> 2800fps to 6700fps, while on the AMD system frame rate stays around
> 2200-2300fps point and if anything it actually averages slightly lower
> fps.  This is a really odd result on the AMD system and suggest that
> perhaps the driver/OS is doing something odd as I'm running exactly
> the VSG version and data on both systems.
> At this point I'd love to get some better performance parity between
> Intel and AMD as a ~25% penalty is far larger than I was expecting.
> Yesterday I tried out clang-7 on my AMD box and didn't spot any
> notable differences with gcc 8.2.  Now taskset suggests that thread
> migration between cores is not a significant issue for the these
> particular scene graph tests under Linux.
> Where to look next?  Happy to take suggestions.

I'd disable SMT next.

However note that the Haswell CPU mentioned above not only has a good
IPC even for today but runs close to 4GHz with Turbo. In other words
it is no slouch and I would expect it to be competitive with Ryzen
except for core count and maximum RAM amount and maybe to beat it for
workloads not using 6+ cores on Ryzen.

If you want to compare CPU performance between those two boxes outside
of OSG, use http://download.amd.com/demo/RyzenGraphic_27.blend with
Blender, instructions available at
Be sure to use the same Blender build and settings. You might be surprised.


> I'm now going to install Kubuntu 18.04 on the AMD system to see if
> 18.10 and the later NVidia drivers are both having an negative effect.
> Cheers,
> Robert.
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