On Wed, 19 Feb 2020 at 14:26, OpenSceneGraph Users <
osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org> wrote:

> thank you for your advice about initial setup of a big array. That is a
> big help.
> As you said:    *"There a number of ways to go about this type of task,
> which route to take will depend on your needs/hardware available."*
> My hardware is a window10 PC with intel i7 8550U CPU and intel Graphics
> 620.
> Later I will add more objects(e.g bounding box, point cloud maybe) to
> render in my program and I am not aware of how much computation it will
> demand. Could you please point out one link or reference of "a number of
> ways"?  I would really appreciate that.

The different ways are in my head rather than a reference I can provide
:-)  This type of topic has been discussed in various ways on osg-users
over the years so you might find more info via a search.

If the fixed size array gives you the performance you want then our job is
done.  If not then we had start looking at other ways, or why you aren't
getting the performance you want.

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