Another issue that is worth considering (and yet another reason to separate into api and impl) is that due to osgi resolution requirements if you put your impl in the same bundle as the api this effectively requires client code to resolve bundles that your impl uses but they may have no need of using.
Hmm, these client bundles are only bound to the package. Most API code has no (or at least few) uses clauses. This is the beauty of package import, you
might be wired to an actual bundle but you never know nor care.

Consider if you have an api and an impl of foo that imports If client code wishes to use in the case where there is only one bundle they also need to resolve to use classes Even worse if imports com.baz...the spider web can get very large and very sticky very quickly...
Huh? If only is present than these dependencies exist anyway?


  Import-Package:, com.baz

A will resolve to B. B has dependencies that are required to implement If I take
implementation C:

  Import-Package: com.bzz

I will get different dependencies, but A remains oblivious of all this. Obviously, if you use Require-Bundle you are out of luck ... but that is a bad pattern anyway.

As usual, I seem to be contrarian :-( , but I fail to see what the problem is in packaging
API in bundles?

Kind regards,

        Peter Kriens

On 2 jun 2008, at 17:35, David Savage wrote:

Hi All,

Leaping on this thread as it's something I've had a lot of experience unpicking and wouldn't want others to have same pain.

Another issue that is worth considering (and yet another reason to separate into api and impl) is that due to osgi resolution requirements if you put your impl in the same bundle as the api this effectively requires client code to resolve bundles that your impl uses but they may have no need of using.

This can rapidly get out of control and in the worst case a client needs to import a much larger set of bundles to use a client api than would otherwise be needed.

Consider if you have an api and an impl of foo that imports If client code wishes to use in the case where there is only one bundle they also need to resolve to use classes Even worse if imports com.baz...the spider web can get very large and very sticky very quickly...

Save your clients time and separate early - you and they will thank you a million times over for it in the end.

But agree with sentiment of use common sense consider who the end users of the api are - if it's just internal it's sometimes ok to bend the rules - just be aware of the consequences...



Mirko Jahn wrote:
Here I agree with Jeff. Separating API and implementation on package
level is crucial on several different ways. Not only is it a cleaner
design, it also gives you the chance to later refactor your code and
move the implementation into a new bundle very easily (if you haven't
done so already).
The question on using different bundles for api/spi/implementation or
not is hard to answer in a general manner. I usually ask myself, who
is going to use it, how frequently and how likely is it, that there
will be several implementations. If it is just internally used, not a
major service and not likely to have different implementations, why
should I create a (and maintain) a completely different bundle with
maybe just one or two classes in it? I think, it is a mixture of
common sense and experiences, but if I'm in doubt, I don't separate
them. Refactoring is your friend and if the application is done right,
it is no problem at all. Just remember to use version ranges on
package dependencies and package versioning according to the OSGi
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Toni Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You should put API and implementation into separate bundles.
This decouples the specification (api) from one or even multiple implementations and allows implementation changes without restarting the framework (the osgi way).

When it comes to exporting, well you just export what you either really want to export (usually just api/spi stuff) or you imported yourself (known as package substitution).

There are hardly reasons to include the api into the implementation's bundle. Instead you must be aware of class loading issues if you expose services.

"Do you even recommend to separate API and SPI on package level?" yes. same as above. (separation of concerns).


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 15:06:39 +0200
Von: "Peter Niederwieser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: [osgi-dev] Put API/SPI/implementation into separate bundles?
When building an OSGi-based system, do you recommend to put a
component's API/SPI/implementation into separate bundles, or is it
good enough to put them into separate packages (exporting only API and SPI)? Has the "separate bundle" approach advantages when it comes to
updating/replacing bundles at runtime? Do you even recommend to
separate API and SPI on package level?

Peter Niederwieser
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