2008/6/3 Mirko Jahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Concerning this...
> > Huh? If only com.bar is present than these dependencies exist anyway?
> >
> > A:
> >  Import-Package: com.foo
> >
> > B:
> >  Export-Package: com.foo
> >  Import-Package: com.bar, com.baz
> >
> > A will resolve to B. B has dependencies that are required to implement
> > com.foo. If I take
> > implementation C:
> >
> > C:
> >  Export-Package: com.foo
> >  Import-Package: com.bzz
> >
> > I will get different dependencies, but A remains oblivious of all this.
> Agreed, but the problem David was talking about is a different one (I
> guess). What if you don't actually need the implementation right away.
> In a very dynamic and as small as possible environment, you just want
> to have an API and load the implementation later on an as needed
> basis. Now, if you always distribute the implementation all the
> dependencies of the Implementation (and their dependencies and so on)
> have to be present in the container and need to be resolved. Of course
> you can just define your implementation optional in this case and the
> question, if you should depend on the API in a fixed instead of an
> optional way remains, but I think this was the use case David was
> talking about. One example I can think of out of the top of my head is
> logging. You might want to have the API present, but no logging
> service deployed, because it is some sort of thin (ultra light)
> client. If the service is there, use it, if not... don't bother. Just
> for the sack of arguments, you can also provide a /dev/null logger as
> the default implementation, which wouldn't have any dependencies. I
> think there is plenty of space to argue here. Ultimately, there is no
> black or white only different shades of gray ;-)

another consideration is when bundles will also be consumed outside
of OSGi - especially when the API is common (like aopalliance) and
shared amongst several libraries.

in that case you'd want the API in a separate jar, to avoid classloader
issues outside of OSGi (or you could just force people to use OSGi ;)

so +1 for knowing the pros and cons of each approach

Just my 2 cents...
> Cheers,
> Mirko
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Cheers, Stuart
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