hey alberto,
thanks for the reply.  

i can confirm that i have removed the folder AFTER doing the uninstall 
process.  the long single line command i have listed in my original post, 
does include the command:

sudo rm -rf /var/ossec;

and after doing that i did confirm that the folder was gone. i have just 
tried again, and the same behavior.  when i look at the ossec.conf, it has 
my email address already contained it.

okay, after re-looking and thinking about it, this is what i have figured 
out.  i think the installer is modifying the ossec.conf file.  in fact, i 
am positive about it.  it is changing the email address to an email entry 
for root in:


it is also changing the domain portion of the from address to whatever a 
rDNS resolves to based on the ip address of the primary interface.  so if 
the ip address resolves to test.com, the email from section will not be:


i have now delved into the debian package installation file, and i can 
confirm....  that the installer is making attempts at figuring out the 
email configuration PRIOR to writing the ossec.conf file.  without digging 
into exactly how the  installer is figuring these things out, it seems that 
the behavior i am witnessing is correct based on the installer.

thanks again alberto.



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