I had a working OTRS 4  test system, minimally configured,  built on Centos 6.7
The system included OTRS::ITSM and packages such as FAQ, Master-Slave etc.
I thought I would upgrade that to the released version of OTRS 5.
I followed the procedure in 
http://otrs.github.io/doc/manual/admin/5.0/en/html/upgrading.html  for 
upgrading using the RPM, and didn't note any errors.
Apache starts OK, and can display the basic 'unconfigured' web page at the bare 
domain address.

If I go to  http://myhost.mydomain/otrs/index.pl  although I initially get the 
login page, once I authenticate, there's then a pause and I then get 'Internal 
Server Error'  on the web page and errors such as these in the Apache error log:

[Wed Oct 21 13:27:31 2015] [error] [client x.x.x.x] Directory index forbidden 
by Options directive: /var/www/html/
[Wed Oct 21 13:28:56 2015] [error] Can't call method "FatalError" on an 
undefined value at /opt/otrs//Kernel/Modules/AgentMasterSlavePrepareTicket.pm 
line 31.\n

If I go to http://myhost.mydomain/otrs/customer.pl,  similarly, I get the 
initial customer login page, but then the same 'Internal Server Error' , 
followed by this error in the Apache log:
[Wed Oct 21 14:01:09 2015] [error] [Wed Oct 21 14:01:09 2015] -e: Got no 
ConfigObject! at /opt/otrs//Kernel/Output/HTML/CustomerHeaderMetaFAQSearch.pm 
line 24.\n

I've tried stopping Apache,   rebuilding the OTRS config and flushing the cache 
(as 'otrs' userid not root, as advised in the installation instructions) but it 
doesn't make any difference.  After the first occurrence, I don't get the login 
box again, just the 'internal server error' on the web page.

There's no errors in /var/log/messages.
Normally when upgrading between versions (major or minor) the 'base'  OTRS 
upgrade works fine, and I do the OTRS::ITSM, FAQ etc packages via the Package 
I should add that I've tried using IE10 on a PC and current versions of Chrome 
and Safari on a Mac so the issue isn't related to browser.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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