On 1/14/07, Roberto Spadim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was thinking about an network of ds2480
> Could we implement something like
> computer <=> rs485 <=> rs232 <=> ds2480
>                       rs232 <=> ds2480
> we will need a rs485 <=> rs232 converter, or a rs485<=>i2c converter
> (using i2c), we will need an network protocol too
> i was thinking about
> (1 byte).(1 byte).(1 byte).(0-255 bytes).(1 or 2 bytes)
> function could be
> write
> read
> i2c functions (reset and others..)
> we will need an microcontroler conversor, i could build an serial<=>i2c
> (i have some pic16f77A here, have 1 usart and 1 i2c and many I/O (32pins))
> what you think? thnkx
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That's not so daft as ye might think. (To quote someone of my
acquaintance.) In fact a company based over in Ottawa Il, B&B
Electronics, sells something similar. The idea is that you use a chain
of RS485 or RS422(423) based networking systems to link your R232

Problem now becomes one of tagging and such like to identify who is
whom. I do not think this would lend itself to One-Wire however the
basic layout is too confusing as is. Granted we have our own standards
to explain how everything works, but on that level we are better
sticking with what does work. And that requires using the DS2409
coupler to arrange for the appropriate branches.
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