Hi folks,

I'm trying to make a working temperature logging device on embedded platform (because of consumption reason). I was already trying to prepare before, but haven't succeeded. It works on PC (But I don't want to let running a whole PC ) normally. So I dicided to move this simple thing to a routerboard 433AH.
It didn't worked. only gives this directory structure:

root@drone:/mnt/1w# ls -la
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            8 Jan  1 00:21 .
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root         1024 Jan  1 00:07 ..
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            8 Jan  1 00:21 bus.0
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            8 Jan  1 00:21 settings
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            8 Jan  1 00:21 statistics
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           30 Jan  1 00:21 structure
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            8 Jan  1 00:21 system
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            8 Jan  1 00:21 uncached


I thought it doesn't work on routerboard. So I bought a wrap board ( http://www.pcengines.ch/alix2d2.htm ), which is x86 based and I'm trying on it to make it work. But the problem is the same :-(

Of course I disabled the serial consol

Is there anybody can help me, I don't know where to look for the rason of the failure ?!

*the "--debug" says when I start:*

root@drone:~# owfs --passive=/dev/ttyS0 /mnt/1w/ --8bit --debug
CONNECT: owfs.c:main(123) fuse mount point: /mnt/1w/
CONNECT: ow_avahi_link.c:OW_Load_avahi_library(72) No Avahi support. Library libavahi-client couldn't be loaded CONNECT: ow_dnssd.c:OW_Load_dnssd_library(136) Zeroconf/Bonjour is disabled since dnssd library isn't found
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[]
DEBUG: owlib.c:SetupTemperatureLimits(79) Globals temp limits 0C 100C (for simulated adapters)
  DEBUG: fuse_line.c:Fuse_add(82) Added FUSE option 0 OWFS
  DEBUG: fuse_line.c:Fuse_add(82) Added FUSE option 1 /mnt/1w/
  DEBUG: fuse_line.c:Fuse_add(82) Added FUSE option 2 -o
  DEBUG: fuse_line.c:Fuse_add(82) Added FUSE option 3 direct_io
  DEBUG: fuse_line.c:Fuse_add(82) Added FUSE option 4 -f
  DEBUG: fuse_line.c:Fuse_add(82) Added FUSE option 5 -d
  DEBUG: owfs.c:main(152) fuse_mnt_opt=[(null)]
  DEBUG: owfs.c:main(154) fuse_open_opt=[(null)]
FUSE library version: 2.8.3
nullpath_ok: 0
unique: 1, opcode: INIT (26), nodeid: 0, insize: 56
INIT: 7.13
   INIT: 7.12
   unique: 1, success, outsize: 40

When I try to list the mountpoint directory:*
**********unique: 2, opcode: ACCESS (34), nodeid: 1, insize: 48
   unique: 2, error: -38 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16
unique: 3, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56
getattr /
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat(22) path=/
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/]
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat_postparse(39) ATTRIBUTES path=/
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /
   unique: 3, success, outsize: 120
unique: 4, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48
   unique: 4, success, outsize: 32
unique: 5, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/]
   CALL: owfs_callback.c:FS_getdir(175) GETDIR path=/
  DEBUG: ow_dir.c:FS_dir(63) path=/
   CALL: ow_dir.c:FS_dir_both(98) path=/
DEBUG: ow_cache.c:Cache_Get_Dir(806) Looking for directory 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DEBUG: ow_cache.c:Cache_Get_Common_Dir(819) Get from cache sn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 pointer=0xb7766f34 extension=0
  DEBUG: ow_cache.c:Cache_Get_Common_Dir(843) dir not found in cache
DEBUG: ow_search.c:BUS_first(32) Start of directory path=/ device=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DEBUG: ow_select.c:BUS_select(72) Selecting a path (and device) path=/ SN=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 last path=FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  DEBUG: ow_select.c:BUS_select(77) Clearing root branch
  DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:BUS_transaction_single(99) send = 0
  DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:BUS_transaction_single(168) end = 0
DEBUG: ow_cache.c:Cache_Add_Dir(405) Adding duirectory for 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 elements=0 DEBUG: ow_cache.c:Cache_Add_Common(595) Add to cache sn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 pointer=0xb7766f34 index=0 size=0
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/bus.0]
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /bus.0
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/uncached]
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /uncached
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/settings]
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /settings
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/system]
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /system
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/statistics]
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /statistics
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/structure]
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /structure
  DEBUG: ow_dir.c:FS_dir_both(186) ret=0
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /
   unique: 5, success, outsize: 288
unique: 6, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 46
LOOKUP /bus.0
getattr /bus.0
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat(22) path=/bus.0
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/bus.0]
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat_postparse(39) ATTRIBUTES path=/bus.0
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /bus.0
   NODEID: 2
   unique: 6, success, outsize: 144
unique: 7, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 49
LOOKUP /uncached
getattr /uncached
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat(22) path=/uncached
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/uncached]
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat_postparse(39) ATTRIBUTES path=/uncached
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /uncached
   NODEID: 3
   unique: 7, success, outsize: 144
unique: 8, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 49
LOOKUP /settings
getattr /settings
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat(22) path=/settings
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/settings]
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat_postparse(39) ATTRIBUTES path=/settings
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /settings
   NODEID: 4
   unique: 8, success, outsize: 144
unique: 9, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 47
LOOKUP /system
getattr /system
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat(22) path=/system
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/system]
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat_postparse(39) ATTRIBUTES path=/system
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /system
   NODEID: 5
   unique: 9, success, outsize: 144
unique: 10, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 51
LOOKUP /statistics
getattr /statistics
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat(22) path=/statistics
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/statistics]
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat_postparse(39) ATTRIBUTES path=/statistics
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /statistics
   NODEID: 6
   unique: 10, success, outsize: 144
unique: 11, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 50
LOOKUP /structure
getattr /structure
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat(22) path=/structure
   CALL: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_anywhere(90) path=[/structure]
   CALL: ow_fstat.c:FS_fstat_postparse(39) ATTRIBUTES path=/structure
  DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:FS_ParsedName_destroy(54) /structure
   NODEID: 7
   unique: 11, success, outsize: 144
unique: 12, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80
   unique: 12, success, outsize: 16
unique: 13, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64
   unique: 13, success, outsize: 16

*Finally, when I leave the mountpoint dir:*
  DEBUG: owfs.c:ow_exit(31) owfs: ow_exit(0)
   CALL: ow_lib_close.c:LibClose(21) Starting Library cleanup
   CALL: ow_lib_stop.c:LibStop(23) Clear Cache
   CALL: ow_lib_stop.c:LibStop(25) Closing input devices
  DEBUG: ow_com.c:COM_close(93) COM_close: flush
  DEBUG: ow_com.c:COM_close(95) COM_close: restore
  DEBUG: ow_com.c:COM_close(99) COM_close: close
   CALL: ow_lib_stop.c:LibStop(27) Closing outout devices
  DEBUG: ow_connect.c:FreeOutAll(232) Freeing outbound (null) #0
   CALL: ow_lib_close.c:LibClose(34) Finished Library cleanup
  DEBUG: ow_lib_close.c:LibClose(42) Libraries closed

If I connect back to my PC-s serial port, it works, but not with the routerboard's (and now with the alix) port. I've checked it many times.

the result when I run it on my pc:

[root@kako 1w]# ls -la
összesen 4
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root    8 febr   7 07.12 .
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 febr   5 16.53 ..
drwxrwxrwx. 1 root root    8 febr   7 07.12 3B.CA8505000000
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root    8 febr   7 07.12 alarm
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root    8 febr   7 07.12 bus.0
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root    8 febr   7 07.12 settings
drwxrwxrwx. 1 root root    8 febr   7 07.12 simultaneous
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root    8 febr   7 07.12 statistics
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   32 febr   7 07.12 structure
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root    8 febr   7 07.12 system
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root    8 febr   7 07.12 uncached
[root@kako 1w]#


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