Ok, this is truly bizarre.

I narrowed it down to the inclusion of a statement that does will cause 
ow.init to fail as described, even when the code is not run. The 
offensive statements were the creation of strings for sqlite queries, 
such as :

querylist.append('insert into inputs values(\'' + interface['id'] + 
'\',\'' + interface['interface'] + '\')')

Now, again, this code does not even execute and it causes ow.init fail. 
The code executes properly when I disable the section of code with 
ow.init in it, and if I replace the append line with:

print('insert into inputs values(\'' + interface['id'] + '\',\'' + 
interface['interface'] + '\')')

I get a nice print as expected. I've also tried this with double quotes 
rather than escaping the single quotes. Same result.

Here's the really interesting part. Each time I get ow fail, I have to 
reboot to get to a working state. From that working state, if I run the 
above print statement with the owfs functions disabled, it works fine. 
If I then run the owfs functions directly (not with the script 
containing the print statements), they fail.

Pass/fail detail:

print('insert into inputs values(\' stuff \')')

print('insert into inputs values(\'' + interface['id'] + '\')')

Once again - these functions do NOT execute but cause owpython read 
fail. How on earth is this possible?


On 3/28/2014 09:00, Michael Markstaller wrote:
> Which busmaster(s) and owfs-Version are you using?
> Michael
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