Stephen (I'm still talking to you)


Remember my posts on this in the last year? I am quite happy with SQL CE as
it's got the complete familiar feel of the full SQL (without sprocs and
stuff), but you have to live with a 3MB install footprint for the
prerequisite. You can probably make the app installer "demand" the SQL CE be
a prerequisite and give the dumb user a nice experience, but I haven't
explored that.


I tried SQL Lite and was quite impressed, as it has zero install footprint
and you get a complete ADO.NET provider. I just got hung up on some
technical quandaries about DateTime columns and decided to return to it
later, which I'm sure I will.


The dark horse is of course ESENT <> ,
which I've raved about before as a hidden gem inside Windows. I'm using it
in two production apps now, but I wrote a wrapper library around the
low-level managed API translation. The downside of this is the learning
curve to get the hang of how it works. It's quite simple, but has a peculiar
style that you have to get your head around.



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