Checking out Plex server, it looks great. Oh and as an added bonus i just
discovered my NAS has a Plex installer.
Synology rocks.

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Scott Barnes <>wrote:

> XBMC was good when XBOX first generation were moddable.. today its like
> most OSS ... it eventually ends up in the boredom graveyard filled with
> promises and slow releases...
> Plex Media Server spanks XBMC now.. and it will be my favourite until
> eventually another rises to beat its dominance...and then i to will favour
> this..
> ---
> Regards,
> Scott Barnes
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 12:24 PM, David Connors <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Scott Barnes <>wrote:
>>> Ah ok, I was hoping for a Chromecast vs Roku 3 showdown but it never
>>> came .. so basically the whole Airplay thing in Apple speak is still a
>>> generation behind as from memory Airplay will still require your
>>> Phone/iPad/ATV to host the streaming but this in turn is just an
>>> instruction packet to tell it "you do it from here.."
>> Yes, I think later extensions to AirPlay did the latter but originally it
>> was more or less peer to peer (which it had to be pre iCloud etc I guess).
>> The key value I get out of the ChromeCast is it has no UX at all. It just
>> shows random photos while not in use but other than that it does nothing.
>> The relationship it always between your chosen device, your favourite/most
>> appropriate app, and ChromeCast as a dumb arse renderer. In that regard, I
>> guess, there is no lock in as you can use whichever content provider or app
>> you want.
>> I've tried XBMC a few times but found the plugins for things like YouTube
>> second rate - as they're basically rebuilding the UX for their own purposes
>> vs using the native thing from Google with the latest features etc.
>> [ .. ]
>> As always, YMMV and it depends on the content you mostly consume (which
>> on an hours watched basis in our place, is still mainly FoxtelIQ).
>> David.

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