On 19 January 2016 at 09:55, Geoffrey Huntley <ghunt...@ghuntley.com> wrote:
> With the right effort up front it becomes incredibly simple to ship a single
> library as a NuGet package. It can be templated and automated, I have my own
> yeoman generator just for doing exactly this for Xamarin PCLs.

Getting OT... Yes, I spent this effort too, but then yesterday
nuget.exe just updated itself without my permission to a new *major*
version, which is incompatible by definition, and now all my beautiful
scripts are broken. This will waste hours. Next time I should remember
to yank out my network cable and put my laptop in flight mode before
using it. Seriously, what were they thinking?!

NuGet "satisfies" a genuine need, but it's terrible software and I
can't stand it. Unfortunately it faces no credible competition.

Thomas Koster

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